When search engines index your website pages, they like to find well written, descriptive metatags and URL’s which are the addresses of each page. Create easy to read metatags that include the keywords potential customers are searching for, and search engines will love your website and return it to the top pages of a search query. The quality of the digital mechanics behind any website is what drives it’s content and product to the top of search pages. We can optimize your current website to ensure that it is performing to its optimal level.

It is then important to write creative titles for your pages that humans like to read so they will click on your page. Titles are what appear over your website domain address. Under the domain address is located the meta description, the 160 characters that describe the content of your website page. To differentiate your website over the other 10 results that the search engines have returned for a keyword, it is vital that the title and meta description is written in a way that entices the customer to click your website. We can create clever and intuitive titles that will help draw customers into clicking your page first.