Latest Ibiza Blogs

Here you will find all our latest blogs in order of publication. The newest blogs appear first followed by the most popular.

Space Ibiza Opens In Italy

Space Ibiza Opens In Italy

Pepe Rosello has announced this week that Space will launch in a galaxy far, far away from Ibiza, in Riccione, Italy. The creator of the Space Ibiza experience in 1989 took to...

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Who Owns Space Ibiza.

Who Owns Space Ibiza.

It's one of the most talked about topics of conversation on the island of Ibiza. From both local and tourist perspectives, the ownership of the famous Space Brand intrigues many...

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New Ibiza Podcasts

Coming soon.

The latest addition to the blog featuring exclusive interviews, discussions, music, gossip and some very intresting Ibiza related topics of  conversation.

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