Tip a minimum of 10% for Good Service in Ibiza

If a person was to ask me one Golden rule for an enjoyable holiday in Ibiza, I would advise them to tip for service. Staff that work behind the bars and restaurants on the Island, work long hours for low pay. The average hourly rate for a bar worker in Ibiza is only €5. Many of the bar and restaurant staff can be highly qualified individuals, working the summer season as a way to earn extra income for the quiet winter months. The majority of Bars and Restaurants in Ibiza do not add a service charge to the bill so a tip is always warmly received and appreciated.

Tipping in Ibiza is a sign of respect, a goodwill gesture that can open doors and break down barriers between people. Its always better to tip as early as possible and then again as the night is ending. Staff will always remember and serve a good tipper first, share with them local knowledge along with contacts who can secure guestlist entry into the clubs. In Ibiza it is important to always return a favour, that’s the way things work. I scratch your back, you scratch mine and the best way for a tourist to scratch is by tipping.

I’m not a big fan of the age old, small plastic plate shoved in front of your face move. Normally these little plates are a sign that a tip is expected, as they usually arrive with a receipt on them. Change will always be returned in coins in the hope that a tip will be left. Normally if the service is good, I leave a minimum 10% Tip. If the food or service was poor, I would leave nothing, as I would not be planning to return. Service in Ibiza can be hit and miss at times, especially in the pretentious, trendy, scatter cushioned restaurants and bars. The local bars and restaurants staffed by Ibicencos usually offer the best service, relaxed, natural and with a friendly smile.

In your Hotel always tip the bar and waiting staff when you arrive as well as the cleaning ladies. They will be your best friend for the rest of the holiday, maybe allowing you a drink after hours, an extra towel in your room, or a glass of beer on the house. They may also help solve any problems that may arise or offer words of advise on some issue. As I have already said, a favour is always returned in Ibiza and staff always work a lot faster for you when you tip.